Dylan is a boy who LOVES dinosaurs, so on a weekend Dylan was staying at Nanny and Grandpa's house we enjoyed sitting and designing some dinosaur pj's. Dylan really enjoyed talking about dinosaurs, making dinosaur sounds and even pretending to be a dinosaur.
Learning Through Crafting
Whilst talking about and acting out dinosaurs, Dylan was also visually learning his name by recognising the letters in his name. You can imagine the fun we had adding dinosaurs to the the letters in his name, Dylan thought this was great fun. He also enjoyed learning his colours. Making learning fun is something Nanny and Grandpa love to do. Look how proud he is of his pj's.

Dinosaur Design
Dylan looks absolutely roarsome in his pj's and looks so cute stomping around in them pretending to be a dinosaur. Dylan was engaged during this craft time and found it great fun which was lovely to see. Dylan is due to start pre-school in September and we want to help him prepare the best we can. We will be helping Dylan's imagination grow the best we can.
Getting Creative
Do you know of a dinosaur fan? fancy getting creative? these pj's can be purchased via our online shop. Direct link to the pj's below for ease. Please contact us via the shop link to discuss your design. The pj's are 100% cotton, true to size and wash up beautifully.